Sunday, September 23, 2007

MDG/COA Question

I think people are naturaly good. Something inside them tells them to do good instead of bad. For example, in The Most Dangerous Game, Rainsford feels sympathy for the animals he hunts, and General Zaroff's behavior twards other humans he finds weak, grotesque. When General Zaroff said, "I hunt the scum of the earth-sailors from tramp ships-lascars, blacks, Chinese, whites mongrels-a thoroughbred horse or hound is worth more than a score of them," Rainsford replies, "But they are men," which tells the reader that he does not aprove of killing people, even if their race or status is lower than his.

Personaly, I try the best I can to be good. If I do something not so great, I tend to feel pretty bad about it for a while. I don't think people want to be bad, sometimes they just don't see an alternitave route to the bad things they do. Some stiuations in life may leave you with tough desisions, and what you want and what is good may not be the same thing.

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